Friday, December 28, 2007


Many are the scholars who tried to reckon the cryptic meaning of “666” and reveal the real identity of the “Antichrist”. "Who is and how will be revealed as the Antichrist?" was their question.
Most of them tried to identify 666 with a VIP of their own times. Very few of them –if any– cared to check if “666” were a carefully coded marker for some person living when Apostle John wrote Revelation! This, in my view, was very short-sighted, because all “signs of Antichrist”, as are presented in John's Revelation, are matched with amazing precision, as we turn our gaze towards the Roman Emperor who ruled Rome ...when Revelation was written. 

This emperor was Titus Vespasian Augustus – and he was the Antichrist!

Titus matches so perfectly with “666”, we are forced to disregard Revelation as a prophetic text from now and on. With this in mind, it is clear that Revelation was nothing more than some kind of underground religious and political agitprop of its time!

Let's cut short to the facts…

First of all, Revelation portrays “Beast” as having “seven heads and ten horns and wearing ten crowns” (Revelation, 13.1). “Coincidentally", Titus was the seventh great emperor of the Roman Empire (after August, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudio, Nero and Vespasian) while three more "small emperors” tried to take over Rome's throne, after Nero's suicide. These three "small emperors" was Otho, Galba and Vitellius, and they “reigned” in the “Year of Four Emperors” (69AD). So, there were exactly 10 "Crowns", but only 7 great "Heads", in Roman Empire when Revelation was written.

In Revelation 13.3, we find that one of the heads of the “Beast” is mortally wounded by some unidentified "blow". The Beast soon afterwards is cured and becomes even more powerful ("και είδον μίαν των κεφαλών αυτού ως πεπληγωμένην θανατηφόρως, και η θαναφόρος πληγή αυτού εθεραπεύθη και εθαύμασεν όλη η γη οπίσω του Θηρίου” in greek original text, meaning “and I saw one of the heads [of the Beast] mortally wounded. And his lethal wound was cured, and all of Earth behind of the Beast marveled”).
Once again, the “Beast” is the Roman Empire and its heads are its Emperors:

Christians, as other subordinates of the
Roman Empire, always considered Roman Empire as a powerful "entity" no person could dare stand against. This "entity" sometimes claimed their lives, sometimes made them suffer and asked for their total, body and soul, obedience.

But, Roman Empire was not always like this. Under the rule of honest Emperors like Vespasian, it became a very civilized and organized kingdom. It changed to a “Beast’ only when dangerous madmen like Nero were in its helm. Madmen who wanted to be worshiped like gods and who tried to suppress any mental or actual freedom of their people.

This powerful “Beast” lifted its ugly head for the first time when Nero was in power, but suffered a “deadly blow” when Nero committed suicide in 69 AD. And, since there was no heir to Nero’s throne, a very unstable political situation followed.
 Three would-be emperors tried to take over the throne to the Empire, waging war on each other for about a year. During that year, many people believed that this could be the end of the Roman Empire.

Vespasian, the Emperor who finally took over, restored Empire’s power but avoided Nero’s illusions of grandeur. He denied to be worshiped as a God. He was a sincere man who cared for the people. Even Jews regarded him highly. Vespasian served for a time as procurator for Judea; he is remembered by Jews as a fair and humane official, in contrast to the notorious Herod the Great! (

Soon after Vespasian’s death, Empire’s ugly head seemed to rise again when his son, Titus, proclaimed himself as God. The “fatal wound” to the Roman Beast caused by Nero’s death was miraculously “cured” and another Emperor seemed to go down Nero’s crazy road again. (This was also the time when Revelation was written – a very interesting coincidence, don’t you agree?)

The coincidences are not ending here, as this blasphemous Emperor was the same one that stood in “Armageddon”!

In Revelation 16.16 we find that the “Final Battle” is going to occur to “Armageddon”. Ar-mageddon (“Har Megiddo”=“mountain of Megido”) is a hill somewhere outside Jerusalem, and a place of great historical significance to the Jews. Two important battles for Jewish history occurred there against the Egyptians, at 15th and 7th centuries BC.

Most important of all, Armageddon was the place where the roman army gathered in 67 AD, just before the invasion of Jerusalem. It was the main military base of a Roman military campaign with the primary objective to quench a very powerful Jewish ”terrorist” uprising unfolding in Jerusalem. This operation led to the final destruction of the Great Temple of Solomon in 70 AD. 

Head of roman forces, ie the Destructor of the Temple of Jerusalem, was General Titus.
(In this painting of Wilhelm von Kaulbach, we see the destruction of Jerusalem, a real Revelation for a lot of people of its time. Titus is the Roman General on horseback to the right.)

I think that it is now crystal clear that the “Beast”, with it’s “seven heads and ten horns and wearing ten crowns” is the Roman Empire. And its herald, the 666, is the Emperor who stood in Armageddon, Titus!

After his very successful campaign against the “Jewish terrorists”, which left more than one million people dead(!), Titus returned victorious to Rome. He became very popular, and few years later, in 79 AD, he became Emperor of Rome. He was so popular that many Romans called him as «favorite man of the human race». Even Christians respected him and often cherished him, because he was reputable, good natured and –above all– he didn’t persecute them…

But Titus, soon after he became Emperor, dared something so blasphemous he reminded Christians of their most hated persecutor, Emperor Nero: Titus, as “Pontifex Maximus” (Arch Priest) of the Empire, asked to be worshiped as a God!

The facts doesn’t end here! Let’s see some more:
  • John says that Antichrist will remain in power only 3.5 years. Titus remained in power for 3 years, in 79-80-81 AD. He didn’t last longer, because in 81 AD died mysteriously. He was succeeded by his brother, Domitian, who proclaimed himself as a God, too, and prosecuted Christians like no other emperor.

  • Revelation refers several times to some “Scarlet Woman” (Revelation, 12.1, 17.3) and calls her also “Whore of Babylon”. She has, in Revelation, a special relationship with the “Beast”.
    Who would be that “Red Woman”? Once again Titus had an amazing match: His mistress was the very beautiful jewish princess Berenice, sister of Herod Agrippa! Several people of that times called Berenice “the New Cleopatra” and ”whore of
    Babylon”. She was very unpopular to Christians and Jews, and assuredly to Apostle John, who was both a jew and a Christian!

  • Amazingly, just one month after Titus came to power, the exact same time Revelation was allegedly written, the volcano of Vesuvius exploded. This explosion destroyed the cities of Pompeii, Heraklion, Stavies and Oplontis! It was a real “end of the world”, which shocked the Empire for many months!
    What Revelation says about the time of the coming of the Antichrist?
  • Several numberologists calculated the name of Titus as equal to 666.
  • One more interesting detail: Titus looked a lot like Nero! Their resemblance was amazing! So, some people certainly saw in the face of Titus the return of Nero, Christendom’s most evil adversary…


(To the left we see Nero and to the right stands Titus. Their resemblance is also evident in roman coins etc.)


After all these "coincidences", can we really avoid the question: Is Revelation, just an Apostle John’s warning to Christians that they should not trust Titus?
We must also remember that Titus was the murderer of Jerusalem and the destroyer of the Temple of Solomon. The at least 80 years old Apostle John was always a Jew, so he had all the reasons to hate Titus.

Do you still believe that Tito was not the real Antichrist?

«Let he who have understanding reckon the number –name– of the Beast» asks John. How can someone reckon a name, if he is not the name of a real, historical and existing person?

Finally, we have to say that as far as the 8th century AD, Revelation wasn't accepted among the texts of Christian Canon, for a number of significant reasons:
  • All Christian texts were optimistic and full of positive messages, except Revelation, which is full of slaughter, death and war.
  • Revelation shares many inelegant "similarities" with Daniel prophesies.
  • The spirit of Love and Forgiveness in not at all present in it.
  • It is not confirmed that "John" who wrote Revelation was the same with Apostle John...
So, the first official acceptance of Revelation as an canonical text came only after 419AD, after Synod of Carthage. The debate around its acceptance lasted as long as the 8th century AD.

Maybe the early Christians knew the true propagandist nature of Revelation, and that's why they hesitated so long to accept it as a true Christian text.

Today, a very big part of Christian Mythos -and of Church's intimidation of its faithful- is based in Revelation. This dark and gory virus-tale have superseded all other texts of Christianity and haunts with its grizzly visions the christian mind...

Maybe it's time its reign to end?